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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1974-03-04

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1974-03-04 free download

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File name HP-Bench-Briefs-1974-03-04.pdf

I - . R- E INFORMATION FRO ACKARD MARCH-APRIL 1974 TROUBLESHOOTING LOGICALLY A by Neil Neilson Problem solving is a continually daily problem for most people. The person who is well organized in his approach to problem solving is much more effi- m cient than t w who are not. h Organized o not, most of us use some r we' in solving our problems. Such problems arise when a techni- cian I faced with troubleshooting an s unfamiliar electronic instrument. Here successful problem solving techni- ques provide him with the most effi- cient and economical way of repairing the instrument. Such an approach to troubleshooting is described below. The first part of the procedure con- tains a set of questions to be ans- wered by the technician. Queslion 1: What is the device and what is it supposed to do? The answer is located in the specifica- tions for the unit under test. Un- Where should the next me!a8untment be made? Having a loglcalprocedure will help you flnd the fallure wlth the least number of measurements. This artfcle Wls how. derstanding what the unit does makes the selection of test equipment easier. documents from the manufacturer. block or arcuit within the functional cir- Question 2: Does the instru- Another technician is also a good cuitry. With the symptom determined, ment do what it was designed to source of information. This is where the the abnormal path of circuitry is identi- do? professional stands out-he (or she) fied. The technician can now isolate Most service manuals contain a de- knows that it is impossible to have all the problem with a technique called tailed performance test procedure. If of the answers and willingly asks for "bracketing." Bracketing is simply a no procedure is available, use the spe- help. cifications and devise your own. If the unit under test meets specifications, it If no one else has seen the problem, is a good indication that you need he must solve it himself. At this stage, more information or that the unit has he applies the Rules of Logical no problem. Search for more informa- Troubleshooting. This consists of tion! Question the user. Heat, cool and "milk

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