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TRADEMARK, REGISTERED TRADEMARK DLPTM (Digital Light Processing) and DMD (Digital Micromirror Device) are trademarks of Texas Instruments Incorporated. Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE Many electrical and mechanical parts in the projector have special safety related characteristics. These characteristics are often not evident from visual inspection nor can the protection afforded by them necessarily be obtained by using replacement com- ponents rated for higher voltage, etc. Replacement parts which have these special safety characteristics are identified in this service manual. Electrical components having such features are identified by shading on the schematic diagram and the parts list of this service manual and by the supplementary sheet for this chassis to be issued subsequently. -1- SAFETY PRECAUTIONS North america NOTICE: Observe all cautions and safety related notes located inside the cabinet and on the chassis. Warning 1. Operation of this projector outside the cabinet or with the cover removed presents a shock hazard from the projector power supplies. 2. When a short-circuit has occurred, replace those components that indicate evidence of overheating. 3. Grounding circuit continuity is vital for safe operation of equipment. Do not remove ground connection while the power cord is still connected to the supply. Disconnect supply before servicing. Leakage current check Before returning the projector to the customer, it is recommended that leakage current be measured according to the follow- ing methods. 1. Cold check With the AC plug removed from the AC 100 to 240 V, place a jumper across the two AC plug prongs. Turn the projector AC switch on. Using an ohm-meter, connect one lead to the AC plug and touch the other lead to each exposed metal part (metal cabinet, screwheads, metal overlays, etc.), particularly any exposed metal part having a return path to the chassis. Exposed metal parts having a return path to the chassis should have a minimum resistance reading of 1 megohm. Any resistance below this value indicates an abnormality which requires corrective action. Exposed metal parts not having a return path to the chassis will indicate an open circuit. 2. Hot check Use the circuit in figure to perform this test. (1) With switch S1 open, connect the projector to the measuring circuit. Immediately after connection, measure the leakage current using both positions of switch S2, and with the switching devices in the projector in all of their operating positions. (2) Switch S1 is then closed, energizing the projector. Immediately after closing the switch, measure the leakage current us- ing both positions of switch S2, and with the switching devices in the projector in all of their operating positions. Current measurements

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