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Now downloading free:xerox Mesa 1.0 Dec76

xerox Mesa 1.0 Dec76 free download

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This document is for internal Xerox use only. Preliminary Mesa System Documentation by Charles M. Geschke, Charles Irby, Richard K. Johnsson, Edwin H. Satterthwaite and John D. Wick December t 1976 This collection of documentation describes the initial release of the Mesa programming system, Mesa library packages, and operational procedures for the Alto. It is intended as a preJiminary effort, for use by experienced systems programmers operating in the Parc and SOD/Palo Alto environment. Substantial evolution of both the system and this documentation should be anticipated. The Mesa, language, compiler and programming system are the product of a long-standing research project at Parc, in which Chuck Geschke, Butler Lampson, Jim Mitchell, and Ed Satterthwaite have been the main participants. The current compiler was written by Geschke and Satterthwaite. They also wrote the debugger and support software needed to run Mesa programs on the Alto, in collaboration with Jim Mitchell and with Charles Irby, Richard Johnsson and John Wick of SOD/Palo Alto. Compiler testing has been done by Jim Frandeen of SOD/Palo Alto.

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