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File name:10_UObject_Classes.pdf
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Size:3547 kB
Model:10 UObject Classes 🔎
Original:10 UObject Classes 🔎
Descr: apple lisa toolkit_3.0 Package_2_Examples 10_UObject_Classes.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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UObject Classes: Class Fields TObject TCollection size dynStart holeStart holeSize holeStd TList TArray recordBytes TString TFile path password scanners TScanner collection position increment scanOone atEnd TListScanner TArrayScanner TStringScanner actual TFileScanner accesses refnum error UDraw Classes: Class Fields TlJbject (de;ined in {}Object) TArea innerReet outerReet parentBraneh TPad port viewedLReet visLRect 8vailLRect scrollOffset origin edOffset clippedRect padRes viewedRes seeled sceleFactor zoomFactor TBranehArea arrangement elderFirst resizability elderChild youngerChild - 1 - UABC Classes: Class fields TObject (deFined in Wbject) TProcess (global variables) TDocDirectory window classWorld TDocManager files dataSegment docHeap window pendingNote openedAsTool ' TClipboard hasView hasPicture hasUniversalText haslcon cuttingTool cuttingProcessID clipCopy TConmand cmdNumber image undoable doing revelation unHiliteBefore hiliteAfter TCutCopyConmand iSCut TPasteConmand Tlmage extentlRect view allowMouseOutside TView panel clickLPt printManager res screenPad fitPagesPerfectly isPrintable iSMainView stdScroll scrollPastEnd TPaginatedView unpaginatedView pageSize workinglnMargins TPageView THeading printManager pageAlignment offsetFromAlignment oddOnly evenOnly minPage maxPage TPrintManager view pageView breaks pageMargins headings canEditPages layoutDialogBox frameBody paperLRect printableLRect contentLRect printerMetrics pageRiseOirection . .. TSelection window panel view kind anchorLPt currLPt boundLRect coSelection canCrossPanels 'Area (defined in lLJr811) TWindow panels panel Tree dialogBox selectPanel undoSelPanel olickPanel undoClickPanel selectWindow undoSelWindow wmgrID isResizable believeWmgr maxlnnerSize changes lastCmd printerMetrics pgSzOK pgRgOK panelToPrint objectToFree TDialogBox keyResponse menuResponse downlnMainWindowResponse

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