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File information:
File name:The Laptop Repair Workbook.pdf
[preview t4220]
Size:1271 kB
Model:t4220 🔎
Descr:nothing specific for Fijitsu, but thought that this repair book might be of help
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Notebooks Laptops
Multipart:No multipart

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File name The Laptop Repair Workbook.pdf

The Laptop Repair Workbook An Introduction to Troubleshooting and Repairing Laptop Computers Printing instructions for a two sided printing you can put in a binder. In Adobe Acrobat, when you go to print, you should see a menu with a box labeled "Print Range." Check off the radio button that says "Pages from" and enter "1" to "189". Right below that in the "Subset" box choose "Odd pages only". Once the pages are all printed, put the stack back into the printer, with the printed side turned down, so it won't get printed on. Note that printing always starts at the top of each page. When you go to print again, check off the radio button that says "Pages from" and enter "2" to "190". Below that in the "Subset" box choose "Even pages only" and put a check in the "Reverse Order" box. When it's finished, go back and print page 191 by itself. If you want to play it safe, experiment with printing the first 4 pages of the book until you get the technique right. If you have a decent quality laser, good paper and no jams, it should come out printed properly and you won't even have to shuffle the pages to get them in order. Morris Rosenthal W W Please Read Your paid download of this ebook from Foner Books grants you a non-transferable license to retain an electronic copy of the PDF file for reading and to print one copy for personal use in your home or business. You may not create copies of this ebook or excerpts thereof, whether electronic or printed on paper, for sale or distribution. The author has done his best to provide accurate and up-to-date information in this book, but he cannot guarantee that the information is correct or will fit your particular situation. The ebook is provided with the understanding that the publisher and the author are not engaged in rendering professional or engineering services. If expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Version 1.2 Flowcharts produced with Microsoft Visio Standard Editor ­ Tracie Shea Technical Editor ­ Chuck Berg Copy Editor ­ Kira Taylor Proofreader ­ Franklyn Dailey Jr. Copyright 2008 by Morris Rosenthal Published by Foner Books Printed Version ISBN 978-0-9723801-5-7 ii The Laptop Repair Workbook E-Version 1.2 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CLICKABLE LINKS) BEFORE WE BEGIN TROUBLESHOOTING 5 LAPTOP BASICS 7 WHAT'S MY LAPTOP WORTH? 18 SHOPPING FOR USED LAPTOPS 19 SHOPPING FOR NEW LAPTOPS 22 LAPTOP UPGRADES 26 THINGS THAT GO WRONG WITH LAPTOPS 29 BASIC REPAIR TECHNIQ

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