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HP Archive This vintage Hewlett Packard document was preserved and distributed by www. Please visit us on the web ! On-line curator: Glenn Robb This document is for FREE distribution only! LOW-LEVEL POWER MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES AND ACCURACY STEVE WHITACRE. DEE HUMPHERYS RF & Microwave Measurement Symposium and Exhibition LOW-LEVEL POWER MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES AND ACCURACY AGENDA 1. Power Measurement Techniques 2. RangelAccuracy Constraints 3. AccuracyIMeasurement Example (Constant SWR Source) 4. Mismatch Uncertainty 5. Extended Frequency Range 1236 Low Level Power Measurement Techniques and Accuracy 1206B Slide 2 This paper will discuss the accuracy considerations of Applications for Low Level power measurement techniques that provide both high accuracy and wide dynamic range. Two specific appli- Power Measurements cations of this technique are signal generator level cali- Signal Generator Calibration bration and attenuation measurements. RF Frequency Countor Signal generator calibration generally requires high per- Signal Gonorator f--------1~ Modulotlon Anolyzer formance measurement equipment to verify the modu- Dlatortlon Anolyzor Audio Frequoncy Counter lation, frequency, and output level performance. Output - 127 dBm Wldo Dynamic Rango Power Metor level performance has typically been the most difficult

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