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Now downloading free:CANON B100 046

CANON B100 046 free download

Fax machine and office equipment service manual and repair information

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SERVICE BULLETIN FAX Issued by Canon Europa N.V. MODEL: FAX-B110 No.: B100-046 (HS-B0E-8023-01) Date: 30.01.98 LOCATION: SCNT BOARD ASS'Y MODEL NO.: H12-0293 (EC) SUBJECT: MAIN ROM UPGRADE OUTLINE The main ROM version has been upgraded from EC-10-02-M to EC-11-01-M. 1. Main Program Version No. ORIGINAL MODIFIED Version No. EC-10-02-M EC-11-01-M Version No. on ROM IC-2 IC-2 2677-02 2677-03 Sum Check (HEX.) 1300 9300 ROM Type MASK MASK 2. Details a. The recovery operation every 72 hours, did not work properly when the fax was in ES mode. This problem has been corrected. (As a result, the cartridge was deteriorating, causing blank sheet output.) b. When a reception ends in error, the OFF HOOK alarm will sound if the fax is off hooked. c. ESS can be set on or off in the user settings. (Not valid for Germany or Hong Kong.) PARTS PARTS NAME PARTS NO. VER. IC LOCATION NO. OLD IC, TC538200AP-E402, MASK-ROM HH4-2677-020 02 NY IC-2 NEW IC, TC538200AP-E409, MASK-ROM HH4-2677-030 03 OLD SCNT BOARD ASS'Y HG5-0649-000 -- NY --- NEW SCNT BOARD ASS'Y HG5-0649-000 -- MACHINE MODEL NO. H12-0293-210 H12-0293-214 M/C VERSION 03 04 03 04 SERIAL NO. GJT-07200

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