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Now downloading free:xerox Resident.mesa Sep78

xerox Resident.mesa Sep78 free download

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File name:Resident.mesa_Sep78.pdf
[preview Resident.mesa Sep78]
Size:479 kB
Model:Resident.mesa Sep78 🔎
Original:Resident.mesa Sep78 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_System Resident.mesa_Sep78.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name Resident.mesa_Sep78.pdf

Resident.mesa 2-Sep-78 13:58:17 Page 1 -- Resident.Mesa: edited by Sandman on Jul 25, 1978 8:41 AM DIRECTORY AllocDefs: FROM "allocdefs" USING [AllocInfo, MakeSwappedIn], AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs" USING [PageSize], BootDefs: FROM "bootdefs", ControlDefs: FROM "controldefs" USING [ ATPreg, AV, AVItem, Control Link, EntryVectorItem, EPRange, FrameHandle, FrameVec, Free, GetReturnLink, GFT, GFTIndex, GFTItem, GlobalFrameHandle, LargeReturnSlot. Lreg, MainBodyIndex, MaxAllocSlot, NullFrame. NullGlobalFrame, OTPreg, Port. ProcDesc. SD, SetReturnFrame, SetReturnLink, SpecialReturnSlot, StateVector, WDCreg, XTPreg, XTSreg], CoreSwapDefs: FROM "coreswapdefs" USING [ ExternalStateVector, PuntInfo, SVPointer]. FrameDefs: FROM "framedefs", ImageDefs: FROM "imagedefs" USING [AbortMesa, PuntMesa]. InlineDefs: FROM "inlinedefs" USING [BITAND, BITOR], KeyDefs: FROM "keydefs" USING [Keys], Mopcodes: FROM "mopcodes" USING [zKFCB, zPOP, zSTARTIO], NovaOps: FROM "novaops" USING [NovaInLd, NovaOutLd], NucleusDefs: FROM "nucleusdefs", ProcessDefs: FROM "processdefs" USING [ ActiveWord, CV, DisableInterrupts, DisableTimeout, EnableInterrupts, Enter, Fork, GetPriority, ParityLevel, Priority, ReEnter, SetPriority, Wait, WakeupsWaiting], SDDefs: FROM "sddefs" USING [ sAllocTrap, SD, sInterrupt, sIOResetBits, sProcessBreakpoint, sXferTrap], SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs" USING [ AddressFromPage, DataSegmentAddress, DataSegmentHandle, DefaultBase, DeleteDataSegment, FileSegmentHandle, NewFrameSegment, Unlock], TrapDefs: FROM "trapdefs" USING [ TraceNext, TraceOff, TrapParameter, TrapStatus]: DEFINITIONS FROM AltoDefs, ControlDefs: Resident: PROGRAM IMPORTS AllocDefs, ProcessDefs, SegmentDefs EXPORTS BootDefs, FrameDefs, NucleusDefs, TrapDefs SHARES ProcessDefs = BEGIN -- allocation of frame space LargeFrameSlot: CARDINAL = 12: FrameSize: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [fsi: CARDINAL] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = BEGIN RETURN[IF fsi >= LENGTH[FrameVec] THEN fsi ELSE FrameVec[fsi]] END: pgft: TYPE = POINTER TO ARRAY [0 .. 0) OF GFTItem: ItemPointer: TYPE = POINTER TO ControlDefs.AVltem: FrameSegment: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ segment: SegmentDefs.DataSegmentHandle, link: POINTER TO FrameSegment, size, fsi: CARDINAL]; -- maintain a list of all new "permanent" frame segments: SegHeader: PUBLIC TYPE = RECORD [ seg: SegmentDefs.DataSegmentHandle. link: pSegHeader]; pSegHeader: PUBLIC TYPE = POINTER TO SegHeader: SegListHead: PUBLIC pSegHeader

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