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Now downloading free:Keithley pa178c(Model 6171 252C6172)

Keithley pa178c(Model 6171 252C6172) free download

Sound cards, sound blaster schematics

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File name:pa178c(Model 6171_252C6172).pdf
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Descr: Keithley Adapters pa178c(Model 6171_252C6172).pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Audio adapters
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File name pa178c(Model 6171_252C6172).pdf

Models 6171 and 6172 2-Lug/3-Lug Triaxial Adapters MODEL 6171 me Model 6171 k a mde 3-slot to female 2-lug ti- tid adapter. It can be wed to corned cables ter- fiated tith a 2-slOt fie -d comector (such as the Model 6011) to eqtipment hatig 3-lug female titid jak. MODEL 6172 TheModd 6172 k a mde 2-slot to female 3-lug ti- - adapter. It cm & uti to comti cables tit me eqtipped tith 3-slot mde titi comdors to the Model 617 NW ja&, wM& k a female 2-lug titid comdor. NOm Keep tie comefiom &w of cent ~ta (su& m dti, ofi, etc.) ti order to mtitti mti- mm tisdation r~ktice. Hthe comedom become contiated, clem them thorougtiy tith methaol ad Wow to @ completely btiore we. SPE~ICA~ONS WOrtig Voltage 5MV pe~ center condudor to tier shield; 5WV pe~ center condudor ad tier sfield to outer she~. Mm Wortig Cmenh 1A pe&. Qmatig Entiro_enti O

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