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Now downloading free:HP HP-Catalog-1960

HP HP-Catalog-1960 free download

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Model:HP-Catalog-1960 🔎
Original:HP-Catalog-1960 🔎
Descr: HP Publikacje HP-Catalog-1960.pdf
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HP Archive This vintage Hewlett Packard document was preserved and distributed by www. Please visit us on the web ! On-line curator: Glenn Robb ELECT,'RONIC T E S T INSTRUMENTS 1960 H E WLET-7 -PACKARD C 0MP A NY INDEX BY INSTRUMENT TYPE AND FUNCTION Instrument Primary Uses Characterlrtlcr Price Page -hp 120A General laboratory and production measuring Dc t o 200 KC f 435.00 12, 13 -hp- 122A General laboratory and production measuring Dc t o 200 KC-Dual trace 625.00 14, 15 -hp 130B General laboratory and production testing Dc t o 300 KC-High sensitivity 650.00 16, 17 -hp- 150A General laboratory high frrqurncy and TV work Dc t o IO MC-Plug-in vertical amplifiers I100.00 18, 19,20,21 -hp- 1518 H i g h srnsitivity-Plug-in for 150A Dc t o IO M C - H i g h sensitivity 200.00 20 -hp- 152B Dc t o 10 MC-Presents two phenomena for 21 Dual trace plug-in for 150A simultaneous viewina . .. - 250.00 - h p 153A H i g h sensitivity-Plug-in for 150A I mv/cm, dc t o 500 I k 125.00 21 -hp- 154A Dual trace plug-in for 150A Voltage and current observation 430.00 21 .hp- 1608 Militarized general duty oscilloscope Dc t o 15 KC; plug-in versatility 1850.00 22, 23 -hp- 162A Dual trace plug-In for 160B 20 mv/cm, htgh stability 350.00 23 -hp- 185A Sampling oscllloscopo for very fast circuits Dc t o 500 MC: 5" CRT 2000.00 24, 25 -hp- 187A Dual trace plug-in for 185A IO mv/cm t o 200 mv/cm 1000.00 25 -hp- 196A Oscilloscope cam

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