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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1973-09-10

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1973-09-10 free download

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Original:HP-Bench-Briefs-1973-09-10 🔎
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File name HP-Bench-Briefs-1973-09-10.pdf

VOLUME 13 NUMBER 4 SEPT.-OCTOBER 1973 I when the unknown oscillator is ad- justed to stop the motion of the scope pattern, any errors in the scope sweep drop out completely. See Figure 2. PHASE DETECTOR WITH STRIP CHART RECORDER: While the oscilloscope method still works when comparing very stable oscillators (for instance, when com- paring a Rubidium standard to a Cesium standard) a phase detector driving a strip chart recorder gives a more useful record. Since the record is continuous, the operator can visually ignore noise and other ob- vious known discrepancies when ~ making the comparison. -1 counter or ofother device requires Calibration acrystal oscillator in a These transmissions can be used to calibrate an oscillator to a part in 1 0 6 A modified version of the 117A can be used to make a phase com- several pieces of equipment plus a or so and can be used to check a parison between an unknown systematic proc

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