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Now downloading free:xerox Changles to AL Format Oct75

xerox Changles to AL Format Oct75 free download

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File name:Changles_to_AL_Format_Oct75.pdf
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Model:Changles to AL Format Oct75 🔎
Original:Changles to AL Format Oct75 🔎
Descr: xerox alto memos_1975 Changles_to_AL_Format_Oct75.pdf
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In ter-Office l\,leInorand urn To Alto users Date October 20, 1975 from Bob Sproull Location Palo Alto Subject Changes to .AL format Organization CSL )(EROX One vital pIece of information is missing from the present .AL font format--the baseline of the font. The format is redefined to accomodate a 7-bit field "baseline," which is the distance (in bits) from the baseline to the top of the highest character. Basp.line=O means that you are reading a font file created before this format change, and you must either. guess at the baseline or suffer. The format change only involves the first two words of the font: structure AL : [ Height word IIHeight of font Proportional bi t IITrue if font is proportionally spaced Baseline bit 7 IIHere is the new baseline info Tvlax\Vidth byte II.Maximum character width ] Note: The Height entry is the honest truth about the font: if the user allocates Height scan-lines for a text line, no character will overflow either above or below the line of text. Note that characters with 0 words of bit-map (e.g., space) may exceed the Height num ber wi thou t trouble. \ The MAXC directory Slr :l INDfNrATlON 6',- 6 w\ om Bl'r g l-\e\~~-t . bltM~Ad!nss woNt \;5\~* h'jnr "'Dr-{ Pt(to J P-~1. P1~1. W; ~iVl * : If [ot--\t IS Fxd. pi n1~iteN

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