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Hints for making Better Network Analyzer Measurements Application Note 1291-1 This brochure contains a variety of Overview of network Scalar network analyzers hints to help you understand and analyzers A scalar network analyzer (SNA) improve your use of network measures only the amplitude analyzers, and a quick summary Network analyzers characterize portion of the S-parameters, of network analyzers and their the impedance or S-parameters of resulting in measurements such as capabilities. active and passive networks, such transmission gain and loss, return as amplifiers, mixers, duplexers, loss, and SWR. Once a passive or filters, couplers, attenuators. These active component has been designed components are used in systems as Contents using the total measurement common and low cost as a pager, capability of a VNA, an SNA may be HINT 1. Measuring high-power or in systems as complex and a more cost-effective measurement amplifiers expensive as a communications tool for the production line to reveal HINT 2. Compensating for time or radar system. Components can out-of-specification components. delay in cable have one port (input or output) or While SNAs require an external measurements many ports. The ability to measure or internal sweeping signal source HINT 3. Improving reflection the input characteristics of each and a signal separation test set, measurements port, as well as the transfer char- they only need simple amplitude- HINT 4. Using frequency-offset acteristics from one port to another, only detectors, rather than complex for mixer, converter gives designers the knowledge to (and more expensive) phase- and tuner configure a component as part of a coherent detectors. measurements larger system. HINT 5. Noninsertible device Network/spectrum analyzers measurements Types of

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