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Wavetek 802fg free download

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INSTRUCTION MANUAL @ 1980 Wavetek THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATlON PRO- PRIETARY TO WAVETEK AND IS SOLELY FOR IN- STRUMENT OPERATION AND MAINTAINANCE. THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT TO BE DUPLICATED IN ANY MANNER WITHOUT THE PRIOR APPROVAL IN WRITING OF WAVETEK. SAN DIEGO 9 0 4 5 B a l b o a A v e . , S a n Dlego, Calif. 9 2 1 2 3 P . O. B o x 6 5 1 , S a n Diego, California 9 2 1 1 2 . Manual Revision 7/80 Tel 7 14/279-2200 TWX 9 1 o-335-2007 Instrument Release C-1 180 f' x' R n!` E S' fFJC CNJT Figure i. Model 802 50 MHz Pulse Generator 1.1 THE MODEL 802 Double Pulse: Same as continuous, triggered and gated, except two pulses for each period. Time to second pulse is The Model 802 is a 50 MHz general purpose laboratory controlled by delay control. Double pulse at all outputs pulse generator. The instrument gives you full control i n except sync. primary pulse triggering and shaping plus simultaneous TTL, m and sync pulses. The primary pulse output has control- External Width: External signal at trigger input determines lability in rate, width, delay, upper level, lower level and a output pulse width and period as shown. choice of positive, negative or complementary outputs. The TTL and TTL are of fixed levels and rise times that are standard for use with compatible devices. The primary pulse TTL TRIG ____s-?l_- has rise and fall times of 5 ns or less. LEVEL I I I I The output is t30 volts with a 5OQ termination. Upper and I I I lower pulse levels are fully adjustable through +lO volts, a PULSE 20 volt window. Termination may be internal, at the load OUTPUT i-in or both. Single pulses or pulse pairs may be triggered; pulse width may be trigger controlled; continuous pulses may be gated 1.2.2 Pulse Outputs for a ` burst' output. Variable Amplitude Pulse 0 `1.2 SPECIFICATIONS E cl d $$ AMPLITUDE

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