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File name: | 7a16p_sm.pdf [preview 7a16p sm] |
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Mfg: | Tektronix |
Model: | 7a16p sm 🔎 |
Original: | 7a16p sm 🔎 |
Descr: | Tektronix 7a16p_sm.pdf |
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Uploaded: | 18-01-2020 |
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File name 7a16p_sm.pdf COMMIT TED TO EXCE LLENCE CH C K FOR CHANGE INFORMATION AR OF THIS MANUAL. IN h..J CT O MANUAL Te k tronix, Inc. . . Box 500 B eaverton, Orego n 97077 Serial Nu m ber _ 070-2308-00 First Printi ng MAY 1978 Pro d uct Group 45 Revised JUL 1983 Copyright "' 1978 Tektronix, Inc . All rig hts reserved . Contents of th is pub lication may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Tektronix, Inc . Products of Tektronix, I n c. and its subsid iaries are covered b y U .S . an d foreig n patents a n d/or p e nding patents . are TEKTRONIX, , SCO PE-MO B ILE, and W74 r egistered trad emarks of Tektronix, I nc. TELEQU I PME N T is registere d tradema rk of Tektron ix U . K. L imited . Printed in U .S .A. Specification and price change privileges are reserved. INSTRUMENT SERIAL NUMBE R S Eac h instrument h as serial num ber on p anel in sert, tag, or stamped on the chassis . The first nu m be r or letter designates the country of man ufactu r e. T he last five digits of the serial number are assigned sequentially and are unique to each instrument . Th ose ma nufactured in the United States have six unique digits. The country of manufacture is identified as follows : Tektro nix, Inc ., B eaverto n , Orego n, USA 100000 Tek tronix G uernsey, L td., Channel Islands 200000 Te ktronix U nited Kingdo m , L td ., London 300000 Sony/Tektronix, J apan 700000 Tektro nix Holland, NV, H eerenveen, T he Netherlan ds 7 16 INSTRUCT I ON TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY S UMMAR Y PREFACE ix SECT O 1 - INTRODUCT I ON S p ec ifi cat i o n s 1-1 S ummary of Prog r ammable F eat ures 1-6 Front- P an el Bu tto ns 1-7 Fr o nt- P ane l Co n trol s 1-8 Block Diag ram 11-10 SECTION 2 - MANUAL OPERATION Insta llat ion 2-1 Co n trols, Connecto rs, and Indicators 2-3 INPU T Connecto rs 2-3 - Sw i tch 2-3 1 M egohm - 50 Ohm Swi tc h 2-3 A C-G ND -D C Sw i tches 2-3 |
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