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NEW MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES FOR TESTING BOTH LINEAR AND NONLINEAR DEVICES WITH THE HP 8753B RF NETWORK ANALVZER Barry Brown Network Measurements Division 1400 Fountaingrove Parkway Santa Rosa, California 95403 RF & Microwave Measurement Symposium and Exhibition Flin- HEWLETT a:~ PACKARD ABSTRACT NEW MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES FOR TESTING BOTH LINEAR AND NONLINEAR DEVICES WITH THE HP8753B RF NETWORK ANALYZER Nonlinear devices, like amplifiers and mixers. require more complicated test procedures than linear devices. Thorough testing of these devices includes the measurement of harmonic distortion, gain compression. conversion loss, and two-tone intermodulation distortion, in addi- tion to linear parameters like gain or insertion loss, bandwidth. group delay, reflection coeffi- cient, reverse isolation. and so forth. This paper describes how to make these measurements, utilizing the powerful new capabilities of the HP8753B Vector Network Analyzer. Detailed measurement setups and the proper techniques for best accuracy are discussed, along with many practical examples. AUTHOR Barry Brown, Hardware Design Engineer. Hewlett-Packard Network Measurements Division, Santa Rosa, California. BSEE. Purdue University: MSEE, Stanford University. With Hewlett-Packard since 1976, Barry has done analog and RF circuit design for the HP851 0 and HP8753 network analyzers. along with system evaluation of these products. He is cur- rently invol\-ed in the definition of the next generation of RF net work analyzers. NEW MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES i: FOR TESTING BOTH LINEAR AND I I NONLINEAR DEVICES WITH THE I HP 8753B RF NETWORK ANALYZER I ...-...tI woo , ..., llatry ..._ w~a..."'" II ,. """"" "'._le'_~ I ...", . ,. . . .Ju. .MI ... ,. C ..,...H..oa bltl61t,." 1fDI ... w.m 1/0,_ This paper examines the measurement of

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