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Anritsu ANRITSU MS462xx Maintenance free download

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Caution Do not exceed the operating input power level, voltage level, current level, and signal type that is appropriate for the instrument being used. Refer to your instrument's op- eration manual for safe operating practices and device limitations. Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can damage the highly sensitive circuits in the instrument. ESD is most likely to occur as test devices are being connected to, or discon- nected from, the instrument's front and rear panel ports and connectors. You can protect the instrument and test devices by wearing a static-discharge wristband. Alterna- tively, you can ground yourself to discharge any static charge by touching the outer chassis of the grounded in- strument before touching the instrument's front and rear panel ports and connectors. Avoid touching the test port center conductors unless you are properly grounded and have eliminated the possibility of static discharge. Repair of damage that is found to be caused by electro- static discharge is not covered under warranty. MS462XX VECTOR NETWORK MEASUREMENT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE MANUAL 490 JARVIS DRIVE

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