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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1986-01-02

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1986-01-02 free download

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HEWLETT PACKARD FORMATION FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD January-February 1986 ns - .- - r:- `." P 7 Fred C . Harper, HP Product Support Division HEWLETT PACKARD Does your facility require instrument calibrations that conform to MIL-STD-45662,with all of the recordkeeping that 45662 requires? If so, Hewlett Packard Customer HP MILITARY STANDARD CALIBRATION SERVICE Service Centers in the US.can now help you out. All of HP's US. Customer Service Centers can now perform calibrations in FULL compliance with MIL-STD-45662. This is full compliance, not just "intent and purpose." When appropriate, we are prepared to be audited for assurance of that compliance. Full compliance with 45662 includes the following . items: Formal calibration procedures with recording of test . results before and after any necessary adjustments. Records of calibration dates and names of responsible . individuals. Records of accuracy of test standard's accuracy and . controlled environmental conditions. System of notification and recalibration when test standards are found to be out-of-tolerance. Hewlett Packard has invested substantial amounts of money and effort into creating and supporting the data management system for 45662 compliance. This system permits HP to track calibrations performed on customer's and HP's own equipment. Thus, if any of HP's equipment is later found to have been outiof- tolerance, HP will notify you and perform any necessary re-calibration for free. In summary, HP is confident of its ability to meet your MIL-STD-45662 audit requirements. Your Spe ific Solution for For more information, contact your local HP repre- ~ M l L - S l ' 45662 D sentative and ask for the Military Standard Calibration Service flyer, HP P/N 5954-2804. Or, contact your nearest HP Customer Service Center. The Service Centers can also provide you with price lists of Military Standard services. The US.Customer Service Centers are located in: Mountain View, CA (415) 960-5251 Paramus, NJ (201) 265-5000 Fullerton, CA (714) 758-5490 Atlanta, GA (404) 955-1500 Englewood, CO (303) 649-5524 Richardson, TX (214)231-6101 Rolling Meadows, IL (312) 255-9800 c Pub. NO. 5952-0123

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