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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1982-07-10

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1982-07-10 free download

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! I I SERVICE IhlFQRMATlON FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD I REFERENCE FILE COPY JULY-OCTOBER 1982 PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE grounded soldering iron and needle- nose pliers (see Figures 3 and 4). This method is very effective since it minimizes the chance of over- Jim Bechtold. Editor heating and damaging the PC board. Introduction looks as though this person used a 100-watt soldering gun in the area Since there are recognized proce- indicated by the arrow. Figure 2 dures for logical troubleshooting, shows a different repaired area with there should also be recognized pro- good solder techniques; but then the cedures for removing the defective person made the mistake of trying components, installing new ones, to remove the flux with a sharp- and in general, repairing defective pointed tool. printed circuit (PC) boards. There are accepted procedures, and this article will describe some of Hewlett- Packard's standards and methods for PC board repair and cleanup. Figure 3 "Clip Out Method." Each lead is . cut off as close to the body of the compo- nent as possible. What is so hard about replacing an IC you ask? As you can see in Fig- ure 1, some people do need help. It Figure 2. After soldering a new component in place, this person tried to remove the excess solder flux by scraping with a sharp Figure 4. The leftover pins are removed with tool. Definitely not acceptable. soldering iron and needle-nose pliers. A lit- tle new solder app

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