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Now downloading free:xerox Store.mesa Sep78

xerox Store.mesa Sep78 free download

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File name:Store.mesa_Sep78.pdf
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Size:1125 kB
Model:Store.mesa Sep78 🔎
Original:Store.mesa Sep78 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_Compiler Store.mesa_Sep78.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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Store.mesa 2-Sep-78 12:59:59 Page 1 -- Store.mesa, modified by Sweet, August 2, 1978 11:10 AM DIRECTORY AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs" USING [Address, BYTE, charlength, wordlength], Code: FROM "code" USING [acstack, CodeNotlmplemented, CodePassInconsistancy, curctxlvl, fileindex, xt **racting, xtractlex, xtractsei], CodeDefs: FROM "codedefs" USING [BDOIndex, BDONull, ChunkBase, FullB1tAddress, Lexeme, lTOS, MaxParms **InStack, RegisterName, topostack], ComData: FROM "comdata" USING [tCO], FOpCodes: FROM "fopcodes" USING [qADD, qBLT, qBLTL, qDUP, qFREE, qGADRB, qLADRB, qLI, qLP, qPOP, qPS, ** qPSD, qPSF, qPUSH, qRD, qRDL, qSL, qW, qWD, qWDL, qWL, qWR, qWS, qWSD, qWSF, qWSTR, qWSTRL], InlineDefs: FROM "inlinedefs" USING [BITSHIFT, OIVMOO], LitDefs: FROM "litdefs" USING [LTIndex, lttype, MasterString, MSTIndex, sttype], P5ADefs: FROM "p5adefs" USING [addfulladdrtobits, bitsforoperand, bitsfortype, CioutO, Cioutl, Ciout2 **, Cload, copyBDOItem, Cstore, Csyscall, dumpstack, FieldParam, freetempsei, genstringbodylex, gentemp **lex. loadaddress, loadlexaddress, loadseiaddress, loadtsonaddress, LogHeapFree, makeBDOItem, makeretl **ex, maketempaddrBOOItem, makeTOSlex, maketreeliteral, maketsonBOOItem, markstack, nextvar, operandtyp **e, P5Error, prevvar, pushcomponent, releaseBOOItem, RequireStack, rmakeBDOItem, treeliteralvalue, wor *

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