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Agilent Network Analyzer Basics Abstract This presentation covers the principles of measuring high-frequency electrical networks with network analyzers. You will learn what kinds of measurements are made with network analyzers, and how they allow you to characterize both linear and nonlinear behavior of your devices. The session starts with RF fundamentals such as transmission lines and the Smith chart, leading to the concepts of reflection, transmission and S-parameters. The next section covers the major components in a network analyzer, including the advantages and limitations of different hardware approaches. Error modeling, accuracy enhancement, and various calibration techniques will then be presented. Finally, some typical swept-frequency and swept-power measurements commonly performed on filters and amplifiers will be covered. An appendix is also included with information on advanced topics, with pointers to more information. 2 Network Analysis is Not... This module is not about computer networks! When the name "network analyzer" was coined many years ago, there were no such things as computer networks. Back then, networks always referred to electrical networks. Today, when we refer to the things that network analyzers measure, we speak mostly about devices and components. What Types of Devices Are Tested? Here are some examples of the types of devices that you can test with network analyzers. They include both passive and active devices (and some that have attributes of both). Many of these devices need to be characterized for both linear and nonlinear behavior. It is not possible to completely characterize all of these devices with just one piece of test equipment. The next slide shows a model covering the wide range of measurements necessary for complete linear and nonlinear characterization of devices. This model requires a variety of stimulus and response tools. It takes a large range of test equipment to accomplish all of the measurements shown on this chart. Some instruments are optimized for one test only (like bit-error rate), while others, like network analyzers, are much more generalpurpose in nature. Network analyzers can measure both linear and nonlinear behavior of devices, although the measurement techniques are different (frequency versus power sweeps for example). This module focuses on swept-frequency and swept-power measurements made with network analyzers 3 Device Test Measurement Model Here is a key to many of the abbreviations used at right: Response 84000 8400 series high-volume RFIC tester Ded. Testers Dedicated (usually one-box) testers VSA Vector signal analyzer SA Spectrum analyzer VNA Vector signal analyzer TG/SA Tracking generator/spectrum analyzer SNA

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