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Now downloading free:burroughs BSP Design Strategy

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Burroughs BURROUGHS SCIENTIFIC PROCESSOR PARALLELISM - THE DESIGN STRATEGY FOR THE BSP SSP -~------------------ BURROUGHS SCI ENTI F IC PROCESSOR CONTENTS Page AN OVERVIEW A-l BSP Objective A-l BSP System A-2 BSP Key Features A-3 BSP Organization A-3 BSP Characteristics A-4 Parallel Processor A-4 Conflict-free Memory Access A-4 Vector Performance A-5 Performance Optimization A-5 File Memory A-6 Vectorizing FORTRAN Compiler A-6 BSP Design A-7 BSP Superiority A-7 IN PERSPECTIVE A-9 The BSP - ANew Approach A-9 Linear Vectors A-l0 A Different Kind of Supercomputer A-ll System Manager A-ll Overlapped Instruction Mode A-ll Linear Vector Approach to Parallelism A-12 Scalar Operations A-13 BSP Approach to Scalars A-14 The BSP Design A-15 110 Subsystem A-15 Computational Envelope A-16 File Memory A-16 Summary A-17

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