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Now downloading free:HP 1993 Optoelectronics Designers Catalog

HP 1993 Optoelectronics Designers Catalog free download

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Optoelectronics Designer's Catalog FI;n- HEWLETT " ~e... PACKARD Hewlett-Packard Company 321 East Evelyn Avenue, MS 330821 Mountain View, California 94039 415 /694-2280 or 800 /235-0312 Voice Mail 415 /694-2400 Ext. 2280 Fax 415 /694-2589 Fli;- HEWLETT a:aPACKARD Hewlett-Packard: A Leader in Components A Brief Sketch The Components Group main- At Hewlett-Packard, quality is Headquartered in San Jose, tains five marketing centers integral to product development, California the Hewlett-Packard worldwide in San Jose, manufacturing, and final Components Group is a leading California; Boeblingen, introduction. "Parts per million" supplier of components for the Germany; Tokyo, Japan; (PPM), as a measure of quality, wireless and fiber-optic commu- Frimley, U.K; and Singapore. is used in HP's definition of nications, computer equipment, Each is fully staffed with product assurance. And HP's industrial and automotive product application and support commitment to quality means markets. Included in the Com- engineers and each is responsi- that there is a continuous ponents Group's extensive line ble for regional decision process of improvement and of more than 9,000 components making. In 1991 the Compo- tightening of quality standards. are RF and microwave semicon- nents Group opened a Design Manufacturing quality circles ductors, fiber-optic transmitters Center in Tokyo, specifically and quality testing programs are and receivers, LEDs, motion chartered to develop products important ingredients in HP control devices, optocouplers, . for the Japanese market. products. solid-state relays, bar-code scanners, and millimetercwave Local decision-making is Reliability testing is also subassemblies. central of HP's transnational required for the introduction of business strategy which new HP components. Lifespan Founded more than thirty years focuses on customer satisfac- calculations in "mean-time- - ago, the Components Group has tion. In addition to providing between-failure" (MTBF) terms evolved into a global manufac- the right product with superior are published and available as turer of microwave, RF, high- quality and reliability, the reliability data sheets. HP's speed digital and electro-optical Components Group strives to stringent reliability testing semiconductors, components

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