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Now downloading free:xerox Menus.mesa Oct77

xerox Menus.mesa Oct77 free download

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File name:Menus.mesa_Oct77.pdf
[preview Menus.mesa Oct77]
Size:327 kB
Model:Menus.mesa Oct77 🔎
Original:Menus.mesa Oct77 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 3.0_1977 listing Menus.mesa_Oct77.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Menus.mesa_Oct77.pdf

menus.mESA 24-0CT-77 18:38:25 Page 1 -- File: menus.mesa Edited by: Johnsson, September 27, 1977 11:33 AM DIRECTORY InlineDefs: FROM "inlinedefs", WindowDefs: FROM "windowdefs", StringDefs: FROM "stringdefs", StreamDefs: FROM "streamdefs", SystemDefs: FROM "systemdefs". MenuDefs: FROM "menudefs", RectangleDefs: FROM "rectangledefs"; DEFINITIONS FROM WindowDefs, MenuDefs, RectangleDefs, StreamOefs; Menus: PROGRAM IMPORTS RectangleDefs. StreamDefs. StringDefs. SystemDefs. WindowDefs EXPORTS MenuDefs. RectangleDefs. WindowDefs SHARES MenuDefs. RectangleDefs BEGIN -- GLOBAL Data defaultpfont: FAptr ~ NIL; defaultlineheight: INTEGER; nullindex: StreamIndex = StreamIndex[O.-l]; originindex: StreamIndex = StreamIndex[O.O]: bbTable: ARRAY[O .. SIZE[BBTable] + 1] OF WORD: bbptr: BBptr ~ LOOPHOLE[@bbTable]; CR: CHARACTER = 15C; -- Mesa Display Menu Routines CreateMenu: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [array: MenuArray] RETURNS[MenuHandle] BEGIN -- declare locals i. j: CARDINAL: menu: MenuH~,dle: width. widest: xCoord: -- compute width of widest command word [defaultpfont. defaultlineheight] ~ GetDefaultFont[]: widest .. 0: FOR i IN [O .. LENGTH[array]) DO width" 0; FOR j IN [O .. array[i).keyword.length) DO width ~ width + ComputeCharWidth[array[i).keyword[j]. defaultpfont]; ENDLOOP; IF width> widest THEN widest ~ width: ENDLOOP: now create menu object and init it widest .. widest + menuleftmargin*2: menu" SystemDefs.AllocateHeapNode[SIZE[MenuObject)); menut .. MenuObject[NIL. -1. widest, NIL. NIL. NIL. array]; RETURN[menu] ; END; D~stroyMenu: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [menu: MenuHandle] BEGIN -- NOTE: need to unlink from menu list later SystemDefs.FreelleapNode[menu]: ENO; DisplayMenu: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [menu: MenuHandle. mapdata: BMHandle. x: xCoord, y: yCoord]= BfGIN -- declarr locals i: CARDINAL; ex: INTfG[R .. MAX[O. x-(menu.width+2)]; cy: INTrG[R; 18ng th: CARDINAl = I fNGTII[menu. array]; clearwords: GrayArray" [0. O. O. 0]; clear: GrayPtr = @clearwords; [defaultpfont. defaultl ineheight] .. GetDefaultront[]; -- save data first then clear it If menu. Index = -[ TIlEN cy." y-(defau1l1 ineheightl2) [[ S[ menus.mESA 24-0CT-77 18:38:25 Page 2 cy ~ y-(menu.index*defaultlinehaight+(defaultlinaheight/2

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