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Now downloading free:xerox Alto Hardware Catalog Dec77

xerox Alto Hardware Catalog Dec77 free download

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Xerox Private Data ALTO HARDWARE CATALOG December, 1977 This catalog lists and briefly describes Alto hardware extensions and peripheral devices that may be attached to an Alto, along with their required interfaces. Devices included in this catalog have at least one prototype considered to work properly and to be reproducable from existing documentation. The standard Alto peripherals, display, mouse, keyboard, keyset, and Diablo model 31 disk have not been included. Each device has an entry of the following format: ITEM NAME: DESCRIPTION INTERFACE: SOFTWARE: DOCUMENT ATION: A VAILABILITY ISOURCE: The entries are organized by hardware type: Alto extensions and chassis mounted interfaces, Alien Processors, Disks, Fabrication Equipment, Printers, Scanners, and Workstations. This catalog is maintained and distributed by the Whole Alto World coordinator. If you have questions or know of a device which you feel should be included, please provide the above information to the coordinator for inclusion at the next revision. ALTO EXTENSIONS AND CHASSIS Al0UNTED SUPPORTING INTERFACES EXTENDED MEMORY: an Alto II option permitting memory to be increased from 64K to 256K in 64K chuncks. Though the 16- bit addressing of the Alto prevents transparent use above 64K, 'data such as the display bit map may be placed there and code may be executed out of any 64K bank. INTERFACE: modifications to AIM, DIM, MEAT, CTL, and Memory boards are required for pre- seventh build Altos. SOFTWARE:' Microcode AltoIICode3 or later required. DOCUMENTATION: Alto Hardware Manual (under revision). AVAILABILITY ISOURCE: SPG will perform modifications. EIA/RS- 232C: a serial communications module supporting up to eight lines in either syncronous or asyncronous mode at 14 selectable transmission rates from 50 to 9600 baud. INTERFACE: no modifications required. SOFTW ARE: STREAMS type package. DOCUMENTATION: EIA Board Specification, memo from Shingo Arase, Aug. 31, 1977; Engineering drawings; "EIA Streams Package", memo from Rick Tiberi, Dec. 9, 1977. A VAILABILITY ISOURCE: 24 were built to order. EIA/RS- 232C, 300 Baud: a simple serial communications module. INTERFACE: None. SOFTW ARE: An assembly language driver and supporting microcode. DOCUMENTATION: "ALTO II 300 Baud Serial EIA Interface", memo from Gerald Justice, Feb. 17, 1977. SOURCE/ AV AILABILITY: Developed for special project. ORBIT: designed to help the Alto convert character code/position information to a format suitable for

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