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Agilent E5052B Signal Source Analyzer Boosting PLL Design Efficiency From free-running VCO characterizations to closed-loop PLL evaluations Application Note Table of Contents 1. PLL Synthesizer Basics ...2 2. VCO Characterization ...3 2-1. VCO characteristic parameters to be measured ...3 2-2. How to tame a free-running VCO ...4 2-3. Tuning characteristics...6 2-4. Oscillator pushing characteristics ...8 2-5. Low noise DC Sources are required for precise VCO characteristics ...10 2-6. Load-pulling characteristics ...13 2-7. Harmonics and spurs ...17 2-8. Tuning delay and frequency setting time...17 3. Frequency Divider Evaluation ...19 4. Total PLL Performance Test...21 4-1. General topics on PLL design...21 4-2. Fundamental parameters of PLL frequency synthesizer performance ... 22 4-3. Frequency/power/phase transient measurements with the E5052B ... 23 4-4. "Cut & Try" optimization for loop filter design ...27 Summary...29 Literature References ...29 References ...29 Introduction A phase-locked loop (PLL) technique is widely used in today's advanced communications and broadcasting systems, and PLL frequency synthesizers are an indispensable part of the system. Recent advances of higher data rates and more channels per unit of bandwidth have accelerated the need for higher performance PLL frequ

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