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Now downloading free:xerox RectangleDefs.mesa Oct77

xerox RectangleDefs.mesa Oct77 free download

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File name:RectangleDefs.mesa_Oct77.pdf
[preview RectangleDefs.mesa Oct77]
Size:213 kB
Model:RectangleDefs.mesa Oct77 🔎
Original:RectangleDefs.mesa Oct77 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 3.0_1977 listing RectangleDefs.mesa_Oct77.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name RectangleDefs.mesa_Oct77.pdf

rectangledefs.mESA 24-0CT-77 18:38:25 Page 1 -- Rectangledefs.mesa Edited by Sandman on May 24, 1977 9:13 AM DIRECTORY Mopcodes: FROM "mopcodes", SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs"; RectangleDefs: DEFINITIONS = 8EGIN -- Magic memory locations and assoc. constants mousebuttonsup: CARDINAL = 7; -- Constants for Display stuff leftmargin: CARDINAL = 10; blanklines: CARDINAL = 6; -- H of blank lines at the top maxwordsperline: CARDINAL = 38; maxbitsperline: CARDINAL = maxwordsperline*16; minwidth: CARDINAL = 32; minheight: CARDINAL = 32; -- some TYPE's and null POINTERS restype: TYPE = {high, low}; backgtype: TYPE = {white, black}; xCoord: TYPE = [0 .. 606]; yCoord: TYPE = [0 .. 808]; -- Display Hardware Stuff DCBchainHead: DCBptr = LOOPHOLE[420B]; DCBnil: DCBptr = LOOPHOLE[O]; DCBptr: TYPE = POINTER TO DCB; DCB: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ next: DCBptr, resolution: restype. background: backgtype, indenting: [O .. 77B], in units of 16 bits width: [0 .. 377B], likewise; must be even bitmap: BMptr. -- must be even height: CARDINAL in double scan lines ]; Font Stuff FHptr: TYPE = POINTER TO FontHeader; Fptr: TYPE = POINTER TO FONT; FCDptr: TYPE = POINTER TO FCD; FAptr: TYPE = POINTER TO fontarray; fontarray: TYPE = ARRAY [0 .. 255] OF FCDptr; FONT: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ FHeader: Fon tlleader, FCDptrs: fontarray. -- array of self-relative pointers to -- FCD's. Indexed by char value. -- font pointer points hear! Ex tFCDptrs: fontarray array of self-relative pointers to rCD's for extentions. As large an -- array as needed. ]; rontl/eader: TYP[ = MACI/INE DEPENDENT RECORD [ MaxI/eight: CARDINAL, -- height of tallest char in font (scan lines) VariabloWidth: [0 .. 1], -- IF TRUr, proportionally spaced font blank: [0 .. 1778], -- not used MaxloJldtll: [0 .. 3778] -- width of widest char in ront (rastel' units). ]; rCD: TYPf = MACIlTN[ OfPENOENT RrCORD [ widthORext: [0 .. 777778], width or exlenlion index I/asNo[xtension: 800lEAN, -- TRUf=) no ext. ;prevf ield=width rectang1edeFs.mESA 24-0CT-77 18:38:25 Page 2 height: [0

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