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Now downloading free:HP 13255-91252 Memory Controller Module Jun81

HP 13255-91252 Memory Controller Module Jun81 free download

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BP 13255 MEMORY CONTROLLER MODULE Manual Part 10. 13255-912q9 1/.2S.;l PRINTED JUN-23-81 DATA TERMINAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION HEWLETT ifi PACKARD Printed in U.S.A. 13255 13255-91249/02 Processor (8085A-2) Module REV FEB-14-82 1.0 INTRODUCTION. The processor (8085A-2) module functions as the . . in controlling unit for the 2747F terminal. It also contains the hardware to intertace the processor to the external keyboard. The processor retches instructions trom memory and pertorms I/O operations on other .adul.s attached to the terminal data bus (backplane ass.bly). !be 8085A-2 lIOdule has the capability ot down loading code in a RAM based 2647F. 2.0 OPERATING PARAMETERS. A summary of operating parameters tor the Processor (8085A-2) Module is contained in tables 1.0 through 6.7 Table 1.0 Physical Parameter. ================================================================================ 1 PART 1 Size (L x W x D) Weight 1 I NUMBER 1 NOMENCLATURE 1 +/-0.100 Inche. 1 (Pounds) 1 /==============1==============================1======================1=========1 1 I 1 1 1 I 02640-60249 I PROCESSOR (8085A-2) I 12.5 x 4.0 x 0.5 1 0

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