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DSP56000 24-BIT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR FAMILY MANUAL Motorola, Inc. Semiconductor Products Sector DSP Division 6501 William Cannon Drive, West Austin, Texas 78735-8598 Order this document by MOTOROLA DSP56KFAMUM/AD SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA DSP56K Family Addendum to 24-bit Digital Signal Processor Family Manual This document, containing changes, additional features, further explanations, and clarifications, is a supplement to the original document: DSP56KFAMUM/AD Family Manual DSP56K Family 24-bit Digital Signal Processors Change the following: Page 11-4, Section 11.2.1 - Delete "4. NeXTTM under Mach". Page A-83, third line - Replace "1;leN;le24" with "1N24" Page A-104, Under the "Operation:" heading - Replace "D -1 D" with "D+1 D". Page A-104, Second sentence after "Description:" heading - Replace "One is added from the LSB of D." with "One is added to the LSB of D; i.e. bit 0 of A0 or B0." Page A-130, First symbolic description under the "Operation:" heading - Replace "If S[n]=0" with "If S[n]=1". Page A-218, Timing description - Replace "Timing: 2+mvp oscillator clock cycles" with "Timing: 6 + ea + ap oscillator clock cycles". Page A-219, Timing description - Replace "Timing: 2+mvp oscillator clock cycles" with "Timing: 6 + ea + ap oscillator clock cycles". Page A-225, Timing description - Replace "Timing: 4+mvp oscillator clock cycles" with "Timing: 2+mvp oscillator clock cycles". Page A-261, Timing description - Replace "Timing: 4 oscillator clock cycles" with "Timing: 2+mvp oscillator clock cycles". Page A-261, Memory description - Replace "Memory: 1 program words" with "Memory: 1+ mv program words". Page B-11, An inch below the middle of the page - Replace the "cir" instruction with "clr". Page B-16, 7th instruction from bottom - Replace "lsl A,n0" with "lsl B A,n0".

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