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HP 5990-3897EN free download

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Solutions for Characterizing and Designing Linear/Nonlinear Active Devices Accurately characterizing devices' nonlinear behavior Application Note Overview Problem With the proliferation of high data rate wire- The goal for R&D engineers and scientists less communications, R&D engineers and working in the telecommunications industry scientists are being challenged to research today is clear: efficiently and accurately and design components and systems which simulate and design active components provide voice, video, IP, and more in a (e.g., amplifiers and frequency doublers). fast, compact, power-efficient format. This Accomplishing this goal requires accurate requires pushing semiconductor devices to characterization of a device's linear and their performance limits and, increasingly, nonlinear behavior, as well as an accurate into their nonlinear regions of operation. and predictable simulation environment Nonlinear device behavior can be especially covering this behavior. Traditionally, problematic in the telecommunications interoperable solutions combining industry, contributing significantly to modeling, simulation and measurement information interference and a reduction have not been available for fully nonlinear in effective bandwidth. Dealing with components and systems. Engineers rely nonlinearity demands new measurement on limited S-parameter information and methodologies that go far beyond today's are forced to perform extensive and costly linear S-parameters which fail to provide empirical-based iteration of designs, adding engineers with the capabilities to accurately substantial time and cost to the design model, simulate and improve the design process. A new design methodology can flow of new product technology. now make designing active devices and components deterministic. By allowing engineers to model, simulate and design with significant reduction in design itera- tions, it dramatically speeds time to market for products with increased accuracy and therefore better specifications. Solution A new design methodology from Agilent Technologies, based on X-parameters, X-parameter device models and nonlinear vector network analyzer measurements, enables fast and accurate characterization and design of active devices and components. X-parameters are a mathematically rigorous superset of S-parameters, applicable to nonlinear (as well as linear) components under large and small signal conditions. They enable the characterization and hierarchical

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