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Now downloading free:xerox 19771017 Mesa 3.0 System Update

xerox 19771017 Mesa 3.0 System Update free download

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Descr: xerox sdd memos_1977 19771017_Mesa_3.0_System_Update.pdf
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Inter-Office Memorandum To Mesa Users Date October 17, 1977 From John Wick Location Palo Alto Subject Mesa 3.0 System Update Organization SO~/SO XEROX Filed on: [MAXC]MESASYSTEM30,BRAVO This memo outlines changes made in the Mesa system code since the last release (May 13, 1977). Names in square brackets refer to sections of the Mesa System Documentation which have been updated. More details can be found there and in other documentation accompanying this release. Binding Modules (and configurations) are now bound as they are loaded; a separate binding call is no longer required. BitBlt Since all Altos have been converted to microcode version 23, we have removed software BitBlt from the system. Configuration / nstantiation Because the language does not yet support the NEW operation on configurations containing more than one module, the system procedure FrameDefs.New must be used. It takes a filename (which usually ends with ".bcd.") and returns a GlobalFrameHandle; the result should be LOOPHOLEd into a PROGRAM or a POINTER TO FRAME of the appropriate type. Definitions Because the new binder requires all procedures and signals to appear in definitions files, several new modules have been added to the system. Those of interest to users include BFSDefs, DirectoryDefs, FrameDefs, MiscDefs, and TrapDefs. [Section 2] Disk Streams Procedures have been implemented which create byte or word streams directly from file names and access options, rather than from FileHandles. A Modifylndex procedure is available for adjusting a Streamlndex forward or backward. [Streams] Free Storage Package Mesa 3.0 System Update 2 Blocks added to a zone

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