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Understanding the SystemVue To ADS Simulation Bridge Application Note Introduction Agilent SystemVue is a new system- Coded baseband Closed-loop feedback for Coded baseband level design environment that enables reference IP BER, HARQ, throughput reference IP a top-down, model-based design methodology for both communication Source SystemVue SystemVue Receiver I/O I/O physical layer (PHY) systems and aerospace/defense systems. This application note examines the link from SystemVue directly into a ADS RF/IF ADS I/O Designs I/O RF hardware design flow that allows RF nonlinear physical mutual system-RF co-verification. design with layout/EM At a practical level, this is achieved by adding special I/O blocks that Figure 1. SystemVue can drive ADS in a live co-simulation to achieve higher system-level connect dataflow simulators in both accuracy and enable more predictive collaboration. SystemVue 2010.01 and Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS) Benefits for both baseband/DSP and RF designers 2009 Update 1. This connection allows a complex-valued, sampled This completed round trip allows system-level architects and baseband algo- I/Q datastream from SystemVue to rithm developers to benefit from the increased accuracy for analog-domain flow to ADS where it can be pro- components and RF "work-in-progress." Typically, these users of math, C++, cessed with the Circuit Envelope or and HDL language modelling do not have access to high-accuracy, envelope- Transient/Convolution circuit simula- domain physical models. Instead, they do their development in isolation with tor and then return to SystemVue inferior RF equivalents. for coded receiver and demodulation (Figure 1). RF circuit designers also derive a benefit from the completed round trip. Their early RF designs can be seen operating in a working system with early baseband DSP processing wrapped around them, using realistic waveforms. While ADS users are accustomed to co-verifying baseband designs with their RF circuits, in most situations, the baseband DSP has already been completed. Consequently,

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