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HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1976-09-12 free download

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File name HP-Bench-Briefs-1976-09-12.pdf

SERVICE INFORMATION FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD SEPTE MB E R-DECE MBE R 1976 1 I 1 LOGIC SYMBOLS RETRIGGERABLE MONO- STABLE FLIP-FLOP Using the above theory-of-operation description of the device, we can show how the notations used in Figure l a and By Tom Trompeter forms for a Retriggerable Mono- I b provide the same information. For I stable Flip-Flop are shown in Figure 1. example: I Editot's Note: Figure l a shows the device drawn in I In the course of publishing these articles on rectangular form using elements from the a. We said the ORed inputs are active low logic symbology, BENCH BRIEFS has come standard. Figure I b shows the Same de- while the ANDed inputs are active I under some criticism along the line of, "why vice redrawn in an equivalent form, still high. Figure 2 graphically shows this. another siand.wtl - what is wrong with the using elements from the standard. b. We said these inputs are ANDed to MILSTD.8MF It smms many readers felt these articles mere just another rehash o f lo@ produce "G". This i s illustrated by the symbols. nothing really new -just different. As Contiguous Block diagram which I Editor of BENCH BRIEFS I have been remifs (1 shows the logic AND connection to in not pointing out from the beginning that this produce "G". Refer to Figure 1b for a standard, IEEE 91-1973,replmes MIL-STP806 and is approved for use by the Department of more graphic illustration. I Defense. Hewlett-Pwkard is in the procass of adopting this standard as has another major semiconductor manukturer. I This series of articles has raised many questions and that's good. Hopefully your iryopetite has been whetted enough that you will obtain a copy o f IEEE 91-

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