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Tektronix 1962SC free download

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USEFUL INFORMATION FOR USERS OF TEKTRONIX INSTRUMENTS NUMBER I Z PRINTED IN U.5.A FEBRUARY 1962 MEASURING A SMALL AC trol the dc voltage to I N I ' U T B. See Fig- I n using the Type Z Unit t o measure COMPONENT ure 2. T h e capacitor, potentiometer and the signals discussed in this article, set the RIDING ON A DC VOLTAGE leads to the oscilloscope of this circuit, as 4 C - D C switch to DC. Set the M O D E well a s the lead from the voltage under switch to A-Vc if the signal is applied to investigation to the oscilloscope, must he I N P U T A o r to Vc-B if the signal is If you wish to measure a stnall ac com- adequately shielded against stray hum pick- ~ppliedto I N P U T B. Set the C O M P A R I - ponent riding on a tic voltage, a number up. A battery offers certain advantages S O X - V O L T A G E P O L A R I T Y selector to of ways t o do so present tl~emselves. T h e over an ac power supply, i.e. low noise and natc11 the polarity of the dc component following describes several of the more no ripple. F o r signals having a negative tlc sf the input signal and set the C O M P A R I - simple methods employing Tektronix oscil- component reverse the battery connections. S O N - V O L T A G E R A N G E selector to a loscopes. voltage value that exceeds the voltage of P e r h a p s the most simple method is to INPUT [he d c component of the input signal By switch tlie input selector o r AC-DC switch 1- w i t h ac comoonent A means of the Heilidial, adjust the compari- of the scope's vertical input to the A C posi- son voltage to cancel out the unwanted dc tion. D o i n g this switches a dc blocking m e t o - a x i a l cable component of the applied signal. \Irith the capacitor into the circuit between the input A - I N P U T VOLTS/CM (ATTENUA- terminal and the vertical amplifier. See T O R ) control in the .05 position, a 5 rnilli- Figure 1. T h e capacitor blocks the dc volt- volt ac component will give 1 lnrn of age but allows the ac component to pass

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