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Now downloading free:burroughs BSP File Memory

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Burroughs BSP BURROUGHS SCIENTIFIC PROCESSOR p BURROUGHS SCIENTIFIC PROCESSOR FILE MEMORY ~~p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BURROUGHSSCIENTIFICPROCESSOR I 1 BSP BURROUGHS SCIENTIFIC PROCESSOR CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT B-v 1. INTRODUCTION B-1 2. DESIGN GOALS B-3 3. TECHNOLOGY B-5 Why Not Disk? B-5 CCD Technology B-6 4. FILE MEMORY DESIGN B-7 File Storage Unit B-7 File Memory Controller B-8 50 PROGRAMMABILITY CONSIDERATIONS B-9 Space Allocation B-9 File Addressability B-11 File Protection B-11 Request Queueing B-11 Problem State 1/0 B-12 Error Recovery B-12 6. SUMMARY B-13 B-iii ~~p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BURROUGHSSCIENTIFICPROCESSOR BSP BURROUGHS SCIENTIFIC PROCESSOR ABSTRACT The Burroughs Scientific Processor file memory exploits recently developed charge-coupled device memory technology to provide file access performance balanced to the needs of high-speed computation. It can transmit sequential file records at a sustainable rate of over 10 million words per second and can access a random record with an average delay of only 660 microseconds l thus exceeding conventional disk and drum speeds by an order of magnitude. It eliminates operating system softward overhead for routine record access by offloading these functions into the controller. As the only input-output device directly connected to the BSP 1 the file memory provides temporary storage for up to 64 million 48- bit words of program and data files l and serves as a staging area for files to be transferred to or from conventional peripherals and permanent storage. B-v ~~p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BURROUGHSSCIENTIFICPROCESS

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