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Now downloading free:AIWA hv-fx7700z ba75z gx935z 195

AIWA hv-fx7700z ba75z gx935z 195 free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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Model:hv-fx7700z ba75z gx935z 195 🔎
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Descr: AIWA Video HV-FX7700 hv-fx7700z_ba75z_gx935z_195.pdf
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HV-FX7700 Z HV-BA75 Z HV-GX935 Z HV-FX7700, BA75 HV-GX935 SERVICE MANUAL STEREO VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER BASIC VIDEO MECHANISM <7700/75> : D33K-4HF/PAL(6721R-0250A)<7700/75> VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER<935> : D33K-4HD/NP-VCR(6721R-0205A)<935> This Service Manual is the "Revision Publishing" and replaces "Simple Manual" (S/M Code No. 09-007-347-2T3). N SIO VI RE TA DA S/M Code No. 09-007-347-2R3 DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Top Case Removal 4. Mechanism Removal (see Fig. 3) 1) Remove 4 screws holding the top case. 1) Disconnect the drum FF cable from the connector (PMD01) on the Main C.B. 2. Panel Front Removal (see Fig. 1) 2) Disconnect the ACE head FF cable from the connector 1) Release 7 tabs, and then remove the panel front. (P3D02) on the Main C.B. 3) Remove 6 screws A . PMD01 P3D02 A FF CABLE PANEL FF CABLE FRONT A A TAB Fig. 1 Fig. 3 3. Key1 C.B. and Key2 C.B. Removal (see Fig. 2) 5. Main C.B. Removal (see Fig. 4) 1) Release 2 tabs, and then remove Key2 C.B. from the con- 1) Remove 2 screws B holding the panel assy, distri-butor. nector (PKM02) in the direction of arrow 1 . 2) Release 5 tabs, and then simultaneously lift the panel as- 2) Release the tab, and then remove Key1 C.B. from the sembly, distributor and Main C.B. to remove them. connector (PKM01) in the direction of arrow 2 .

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