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Now downloading free:epson Y12699900201 Epson PC AX Technical Manual 1988-10

epson Y12699900201 Epson PC AX Technical Manual 1988-10 free download

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EPSON pe AX TECHNICAL MANUAL Seiko Epson Corporation Nagano,Japan Y12699900201 Fce eOMPLIANCE STATEMENT This equlpment uses and generates radio trequency energy and It not installed and used properly. that Is In strlct accordance wlth the manutacture's Instructlons, may cause Interference to radio and television receptlon. It has been type tested and tound to comply wlth limits tor a Class B computlng devlce In accordance wlth Sub- part J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, whlch are designed to provlde reasonable protectlon agalnst such Interference in aresldential installation. However, there Is no guarantee that Interference will not occur In a partlcular Installation. It thls equlpment dose causa Interference to radio or television receptlon, whIch can be determlned by turnlng the equlpment on and off, the user Is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the tollowing measures: reorlent the receivlng antenna relocate the computer wlth respect to the receiver move .the computer away tram the receiver plug the computer into a different outtet so that the computer and receiver are on different branch clrcults It necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician tor additional suggestions. The user may tind the tollowing booklet, prepared by the Federal Communicatlons Commlssion, helptul: "How to Identity and Resoive Radio - TV interference Problems. ''This booklet Is avaiiable trom the U.S. Government Printlng Office. Washington. D.C., 20402, Stock No. 044 - 000 - 00345 - 4. You can determine whether your computer Is causing interference by turning It off. It the Interference stops, it was probably caused by the computer or Its perlpheral devlces. To further lsolate the problem. disconnect elther the perlpheral device or its 1/0 cable. These devices usually require shielded cable. For Epson peripheral devices, you can obtaln the proper shlelded cable trom your dealer. For non - Epson devlces. contact the manufacturer or dealer tor asslstance. Seiko Epson Corporatlon, Nagano, Japan

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