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June 1965 eosure I n this issue An HP nurse at work Those ubiquitous hams URSE MARY DESMO DIS CONVI CED that people N don't live safe and healthy lives by mere accident. "It requires an effort on the part of each person. But this is old hat," she says. "The real danger in a company like ours is that we're not involved in hazardous occupations and there- fore we're not always conscious of safety. You don't have to tell a coal miner to wear a hard hat, but we sometimes have to remind ourselves to put on safety glasses in production areas." o Miss Desmond is one of more than a dozen registered nurses employed by Hewlett-Packard at locations around the world. Her work at the Sanborn Division in Waltham, Mass., is identical in purpose, if not in detail, to the work of all the others. A typical day sees her serving her 980 charges in a variety of ways. She may treat a cold or bandage a finger one minute, bring an employee's health record up to date the next, then take a quick run through the plant to inspect for potentially dangerous conditions. All the while she is available for pro- fessional, sympathetic consultation (she knows all the people in the plant by their first names). And at regular intervals she meets with the Sanborn safety committee for discussions and reports. o Even during time off she shows concern for the health and happiness of Sanborn people. She has taken many courses related to nursing and has served as a director of the Boston Industrial urse Group. Additionally she helps many com- munity health agencies which are available to serve em- ployees with non-occupational as well as occupational prob- lems. Being a nurse was a lifelong ambition for Miss Desmond. She was graduated from the nursing school at Carney Hos- pital in Boston and served as a private nurse for a time while taking further courses at Boston College. In 1941 she became ECG tests help head off potential heart conditions among employees. the first person to take the Industrial Nurses course at Sim- A dozen or more tests are given each month. Nurses Downing and Desmond meet with plant safety committee to discuss methods of reducing accident rate. Left, Nurse Desmond provides friendly, professional advice. Here she talks to Pat Costa. 3 ( continued from page 3)

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