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Dielectric Constant Measurement of Solid Materials Application Note 380-1 Using HP 16451B Dielectric test fixture 1 Introduction (2) Additional Measurement Errors can be Corrected. To improve the quality of the dielectric solid mate- rials such as polymer, electric insulator, PC board, Stray admittance and residual impedance of the ceramic substrate etc., it is very important to eval- test fixture are the error sources in a dielectric uate their electrical and physical characteristics, constant measurement. The HP 16451B can elimi- such as molecular structure and density. The die- nate these additional error factors with the lectric constant measurement is a very popular OPEN/SHORT error correction function of the evaluation method. Using the HP 16451B Dielectric measurement instrument by using the furnished Test Fixture with an HP LCR meter/Impedance OPEN/SHORT attachment. Edge capacitance is Analyzer, accurate and easy dielectric constant and another error source (Figure 1). The HP 16451B dissipation factor (tan ( ))1 measurements are can also eliminate the edge capacitance error by possible. This application note explains the fea- using a guarded electrode (3-Terminal method). tures and benefits of the HP 16451B and measure- ment methods, and shows an example of measuring a plate type dielectric materials. Dielectric Constant Measurement Problems The dielectric constant is calculated from the C-D (Capacitance and Dissipation factor) measurement results using an HP LCR meter/Impedance ana- lyzer. However, there were many problems in the realization of precise C-D measurement and easy connections between the measurement instrument Edge Capacitance and the test fixture. Thus dielectric constant meas- urement was difficult. Figure 1. Additional Error Due to Edge Capacitance HP 16451B Main Features and Benefits (3) Interchangeable Electrodes (1) The HP 16451B can be connected directly to 4-Terminal Pair measurement instruments. If a test fixture has only one type of electrode, it is necessary to adjust the size of the Material Under The 4-Terminal Pair measurement method adopted Test (MUT) or to form thin film electrodes on the in recent impedance measurement instruments surface of the MUT. offers accurate measurement

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