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Custom OFDM Signal Generation Using SystemVue Application Note Jinbiao Xu, Agilent EEsof EDA As background, Agilent SystemVue Introduction (Releases 2010.01 and later) Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) has developed into a popular includes a free OFDM blockset scheme for wideband digital communication, both wireless and over cables as part of its base platform. (copper wires). This application note provides an introduction to OFDM technol- SystemVue 2011.03 adds a new, ogy and explains how to use the Agilent SystemVue software to generate cus- highly-parameterized OFDM tom OFDM/OFDMA signals. It also details the method for linking OFDM signals reference source built from this from 89600B SystemVue to the Agilent Vector Signal Analysis (VSA) software underlying blockset and adds a for demodulation. Commercial availability of both products is scheduled for Q1 convenient, tabbed user interface 2011. that layers on top of the source. The resulting "flexible OFDM A demonstration video for this application note can be found at source" can be configured to create custom OFDM signals for a wide variety of purposes, including:

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