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I L THE PARAMETER GUIDE Compiled By Hike Noore Contents: Instructions Nibbles Away II .Parameters Locksmith 4.1 Parameters Copy II Plus 4.1 Parameters i ssential Data Duplicator Parameters Back It Up 11+ Parameters Additional Locksmith Parameters Nibbles Away I Parameters Locksmith 3.1 Parameters Advanced (Cracking) Parameters Locksmith Technical Notes The CHEAT Guide Nibbles "'\\vay .11 Update 1 Index Moore's Microware 417 Persimmon Hoad Walnut Creek, CA 9459E Source ID: TCT492 Instructions Thank you for buying The Parameter Guide. If you have any questions wi th this manual, please feel free to mai 1 us at: Moore's Microware 417 Persimmon Road Walnut Creek, CA 94598 We are currently trying to collect as many parameters as possible. If you have any parameters that you would 1 iKe to 'donate' to Moore's Microware, we would be more then glad to receive them. For any parameters we receive, we will give credit towards the next guide or update. The additional parameter file contains many parameters that were left out of the LocKsmith parameter file, because of their new pol icy concerning backups. The advanced parameter file contains steps to 'breaK' or take out the copy protection of certain programs. Many different methods are used to do this. These steps are for the advanced user. Moore's Microware cannot be responible for any damages caused by using these parameters. Moore's Microware also cannot be responible if the parameters do not wo~k. These parameters are provided not for illegal purposes but for back-up only. For ordering infomation please contact Moore's Microware at the address below. Dealer inquires welcome. Thank you, MiKe Moore Moore's Microware 417 Persimmon Road Walnut CreeK, CA 94598 The Source ID~ TCT492 NIBBLES AWAY II PARAMETERS NOT The following company names and softwa~e titles a~e E: Copy~ighted and/o~ t~adema~Ked. Softwa~e titles a~e placed di~ectly below the name of the company which ~ese~ves these ~ights. THE USER ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION! NOT E: Those pa~amet e~ s which a~e followed by one o~ mo~e aste~isKs (*) have been cont~ibuted by NIBBLES AWAY J[ use~s, and have not been tested by COMPUTER:appl ications Inc. COMPANY NAME: PROGRAM NAtvlE COPY TRACKS PARAMETERS TO CHANGE A d v e n t u ~ e I n t e ~ n a t i o n a 1: El iminato~ -------- 0-21

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