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Now downloading free:HP HP-Catalog-1959

HP HP-Catalog-1959 free download

Various electronics service manuals

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Model:HP-Catalog-1959 🔎
Original:HP-Catalog-1959 🔎
Descr: HP Publikacje HP-Catalog-1959.pdf
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HP Archive This vintage Hewlett Packard document was preserved and distributed by www. Please visit us on the web ! On-line curator: Glenn Robb ELECTRONIC TEST I N S T R U M E N T S 1959 H E W L E T T - P A C K A R D C O M P A N Y Oscilloscopes - DC to 10 M C ' Instrument Primary Uses Characteristics Price Page Voltmeters and Ammeters-DC to 700 M C I V o I t m e t e rAccessories -hp- 470 A-F Shunt Resistors Distortion, Wave Form Analyzers - 20 cps t o 20 K C A Rack instrument available for $15.00 less. Frequency Measuring, M o n i t o r i n gEquipment IO cps to 1.1 MC 250.00 j E5t86 Square W a v e , Pulse, and Digital Delay Generators ARack mounted Instrument available for $15.00 less. W Rack mounted instrument available for $25.00 leu. CROSSLEY ASSOCIATES, INC. 2801 FAR HILLS AVE. DAYTON 19, OHIO Axminster 9-3594 Signal Generators - 50 KC t o 21,000 MC Instrument Frequency Range Characteristics Price Page Output 0.1 pv t o 3 v into 50 ohm load. Constant output impedance, $l,2W.OOA 96,97 *hp- 606A 50 KC to 65 M C versatile modulation. Output 0.1 pv to I v Into 50 ohm load. A M pulsm, or C W modulation. ~,O~O.OO -hp- 608C IO to 480 M C Direct Calibratidn. %,W -hp- 608D IO to 420 M C Output 0.1 pv to 0.5 v. Incidental FM 0.002 entire range. 1,100.00 98899 -h

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