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Now downloading free:GALLIEN-KRUEGER mb 500

GALLIEN-KRUEGER mb 500 free download

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MB 500 OWNER'S MANUAL Downloaded from manuals search engine MB 500 Congratulations! Your purchase of a new Gallien-Krueger MB Series amplifier is surely the result of much careful consideration on your part. For our part, we at Gallien-Krueger are pleased that you chose us, and are determined that you will be a satisfied Introduction customer. In choosing a MB Series amplifier, you now own an amplifier with many unique features which will allow you to create your own distinct sound. To get the most out of your new purchase, please GK Philosophy take a few minutes to read through this manual. I have never seen the point in doing things If you are in a hurry, we suggest you at least read the way others have done them. I also have not through the Quick Start section before setting up been very interested in following the latest fad. your new rig. This will help get you started and I'm a Stanford educated engineer who worked give you a few quick tips, but is not a substitute my way through school as a musician. Like all for reading the rest of the manual. musicians, I have lugged amplifiers up stairways and into car trunks, always wondering why these Your amplifier should have come with the things had to be so heavy, bulky, and hard to following items, please check the contents of the handle. box to ensure that you have everything. As the principal innovator at GK, our products reflect my attitudes and life Included with your MB 500 Amplifier: experiences. I don't model my designs after other manufacturers' products. Instead, I Power cord 1 believe new and old problems are best solved with Owner's manual 1 new solutions. Having taken our own path, GK Warranty card (US only) 1 products enjoy a unique, unmatched sound, Safety instructions sheet 1 allowing you every opportunity to make an One button foot switch 1 original statement.

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