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Rohde & Schwarz R&S SMG Operations free download

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Test and Measurement Division Operating Manual SIGNAL GENERATOR SMG 8Ol.OOOl.52 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Certified Quality System Qualitatszertifikat Certificate of quality Certificat de qualit6 Sehr geehrter Kunde, Dear Customer, Cher client, Sie haben sich fur den Kauf eines You have decided t o buy a Vous avez choisi d'acheter un Rohde & Schwarz-Produktes ent- Rohde & Schwarz product. You produit Rohde & Schwarz. Vous schieden. Hiermit erhalten Sie ein are thus assured of receiving a disposez donc d'un produit fabri- nach modernsten Fertigungsme- product that is manufactured que d'apres les methodes les plus thoden hergestelltes Produkt. Es using the most modern methods avancees. Le developpement, l a wurde nach den Regeln unseres available. This product was de- fabrication et les tests respectent Qualitatsmanagementsystems veloped, manufactured and nos normes de gestion qualite. entwickelt, gefertigt und gepruft. tested in compliance with our Le systeme de gestion qualite de Das Rohde 8 Schwarz-Qualitats- quality management system stan- Rohde & Schwarz a kt6 homolo- managementsystem ist nach I S 0 dards. gue conformement a la norme 9001 zertifiziert. The Rohde & Schwarz quality I S 0 9001. management system is certified according t o I S 0 9001. Safety Instructions This unit has been designed and tested according to the standards outlined overleaf and has leff the manufacturer's premises in a state fully complying with the safety standards. In order to maintain this state and to ensure safe operation, observe the following instructions, symbols and precautions. When the unit is to be permanently cabled, first connect protective ground conductor before making any other connections. Built-in units should only be operated when properly fitted into the system. For permanently cabled units without built-in fuses, automatic switches or similar protective facilities, the AC supply line shall be fitted with fuses rated to the units. Before switching on the unit ensure that the operating voltage set at the unit matches the line voltage. If a different operating voltage is to be set, use a fuse with appropriate rating. Units of protection class I with disconnectible AC supply cable and plug may only be operated from a power socket with protective ground contact. The protective ground connection should not be made ineffective by an extension cable. Any breaking of the protective ground conductor within or outside of the unit or loosening of the

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