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Now downloading free:RCA CRPD-105B RCA Photosensitve Devices and Cathode Ray Tubes Oct60

RCA CRPD-105B RCA Photosensitve Devices and Cathode Ray Tubes Oct60 free download

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File name:CRPD-105B_RCA_Photosensitve_Devices_and_Cathode_Ray_Tubes_Oct60.pdf
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Model:CRPD-105B RCA Photosensitve Devices and Cathode Ray Tubes Oct60 🔎
Original:CRPD-105B RCA Photosensitve Devices and Cathode Ray Tubes Oct60 🔎
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File name CRPD-105B_RCA_Photosensitve_Devices_and_Cathode_Ray_Tubes_Oct60.pdf

RCA Photosensitive Devices and Cathode-Ray Tubes THIS CATALOG provides concise technical on fluorescent screens has been revised to information on RCA Photosensitive Devices cover the latest descriptions of their persist- and Cathode-Ray Tubes. ence characteristics. Covered in this revised edition are data The detailed information shown in this and descriptive material on new varieties catalog for single- and twin-unit phototubes of multiplier phototubes, new photojunction is suitable for design purposes. For other and photoconductive cells, new camera types, more complete information is avail- tubes, new storage tubes, and new cathode- able in the individual technical bulletins for ray tubes. each type on request to Commercial Engi- Also included for the first time are spec- neering, RCA, Harrison, N. J. In requesting tral-energy emission curves for the phosphors such bulletins, please specify the type in used in RCA Industrial Tubes. The section which you are interested. CONTENTS Page Page INDEX 3 MONOSCOPES . 23 KEY TO BASE AND ENVELOPE CONNECTIONS . 3 STORAGE TUBES Computer Storage Type 25 PHOTO TUBES Single-Unit and Twin-Unit Types 4, 5 Display Storage Types 25, 26 Multiplier Types 6, 7, 8 Radechon 26 PHOTOCELLS Graphechon 26 Photoconductive Types 9 SPECTRAL-ENERG Y EMISSION Photojunction Types . 9 CURVES 27 DIMENSIONAL OUTLINES AND BASING DIAGRAMS FOR PHOTOTUBES AND CATHODE-RAY TUBES PHOTOCELLS . 10,11,12,13,14,15, 16, 17 Oscillograph Types 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 SPECTRAL SENSITIVITY CURVES 18,19

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