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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1989-04-06

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1989-04-06 free download

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SERVICE INFORMATION FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD 2nd Quarter 1989 Safety Precautions Brett Frymire Network). In fact, the consumer elec- When Working Hew lett-Packard tronics industry uses fiber optics to isolate digital (TTL) from low-level Around Your voltmeter no longer works. You analog circuits. For example, a n open the cover and begin to trouble- Onkyo Compact Disc (CD) player Fiber Optics shoot. You trace the fault to some uses fiber optics in this application. components with a plastic cable. What is this? What do you do? CD players and the new DAT (digital audio tape) both use this technology [WARNING! 1) for high noise immunity. Look for You have found a fiber-optic link that modern stereo systems from Japan to Handle fiber-optic components with has special parameters and requires interconnect the CD player or DAT care, keeping in mind the following special test equipment. Follow along to any other component with plastic precautions. as this article covers the parameters, fiber optics. A new ANSI standard is equipment, and basics of fiber-optic being developed for FDDI (fiber dis- The output from fiber-optic links can troubleshooting, w i t h t i p s a n d tributed data interface), which is a cause serious damage to the eye, examples. 100 Mbit/sec optical LAN. and the glass in the cable can pierce the skin. Background As in consumer electronics, more and more industry instrumentation uses Use caution when viewing fiber ends Fiber-optic applications include iso- fiber optics (see Figure 1). A good or optical ports under magnification. lation, video, audio or digital data example of a n instrument-related For further precautions and more transmission, and LANs (Local Area fiber-optic application is t h e detail, see ANSI 2-136.1 1986. (continued on page 3) Use caution when viewing the optical port without

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