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Now downloading free:HP 13255-91032 Cartridge Tape Module Aug76

HP 13255-91032 Cartridge Tape Module Aug76 free download

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HP 13255 CARTRIOG~ TAPE MODULE Manual Part No. 13255-91032 PRINTED AUG-Ol-76 DATA TERMINAL 1~ECHNICAL INFORMATION _._._---------------------- HEWLETT~PACKARD Printed in U.S.A. 13255 13255-91032/02 Cartridge Tape Module Rev AUG-Ol-76 1.0 IMTRODUCTION. The cartridge Tape Module consists of a Cartridge Tape Unit (CTU) Interface peA, a Read/Write PCA, a CIU Top Plane Assembly, two CTU Transport Assemblies, and one or more mini tape cartridges. Each tape cartridqe contains 150 teet ~f single-track O.150-inch tape with a maximum tOrmatted storage capacity ot 110K eight-bit data bytes. The dual cartridge tape units provide full read and write capabilities for phase-encoded data. Data, command, status information, and address interfacing between this subsection and other terminal modules is pro- vided by the Backplane Assembly and CTU Interface PCA. The R~ad/Write PCA controls recording, reading, and tape motion Of the two CTU Trans- port Assemblies. Interfacing between the two PCA's is provided by the CTU TOp Plane Assembly and interfacing between the Read/write PCA and the two CTU Transport Assemblies is provided by a Motor cable Assembly and two CTU ribbon cable assemblies. 2.0 OPERATING PARAMETERS. A summary of operating parameters for the Cartridge Tape Module Is contained in tables 1.0 through 5.3. Table 1.0 Physical Parameters ----------------~---~---~----~--~---~-----~-~-~-~-~-~~--~---------~--~~--~~---~~ -----~~---------~-----~-----~-----------~-~~~----------------~---------~~-----~- part Size (L x W x D) Weight Number Nomenclature +/-0.100 Inches (Pounds) -.-.--.----- ... _-- ----_ ... _---_ ... -- -~-------~-------~----------~~ ---~------~-------~---~~------ ======================= ========= O~640-60021 CTU Top Planp. Assembly 4.4 x 1.1 x 0.7 0.10 02640-60032 Read/write PCA 12.5 x 4.0 x 0.6 0.60 02640-60033 CTU Interface PCA 12.5 x 4.0 x 0.5 0.40 02640-60034 Cartridge Flectronics PCA 3.8 x 2.0 x 1.3 0.10 02640-60050 CTU Transport Assembly 5.1 x 3.6 x 3.8 0.80 02640-

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