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6270A.sch-1 - Wed Apr 09 18:17:04 2003 Backline 210 Power Amp 206-0270-A Part No. Reference Description Manufacturer Mfr. Part No. 001-2060-0 U1 LM555, TIMER NATIONAL LM555CN 010-0000-0 Q2 2SC3381BL,NPNX2,80V,100MA,2-10M1B TOSHIBA 2SC3281BL 010-0001-0 Q8 Q20 2SC3478, NPN,180V,100MA,TO-92 NEC 2SC3478-K 010-0003-0 Q19 2SC3502-F,NPN,200V,100MA,TO-126 TOSHIBA 2SC3502 010-0012-0 Q5-7 Q11-12 MPSAO6, NPN,80V,500MA,TO-92 MOTOROLA MPS-A06 010-1002-0 Q1 Q4 2SA1376, PNP,180V,100MA,TO-92 NEC 2SA1376-K 010-1003-0 Q15 2SA1380-F,PNP,200V,100MA,TO-126 SANYO/TOSHIBA 2SA1380-F/E 010-1013-0 Q3 Q9-10 MPSA56 PNP 80V 500MA TO-92 MOTOROLA MPS-A56 012-0002-0 Q13 Q16-17 2SC4793,NPN,200V,1.5A,2-10R1A TOSHIBA 2SC4793 012-0003-0 Q21-22 2SC5242,NPN,230V,15A,2-16C1A TOSHIBA 2SC5242-O 012-1002-0 Q14 Q18 2SA1837,PNP,200V,1.5A,2-10R1A TOSHIBA 2SA1837 012-1003-0 Q23-24 2SA1962,PNP,230V,15A,2-16C1A TOSHIBA 2SA1962 020-0004-0 D12 1N755A, ZENER,7.5V,500MW ,D035 TAITRON 1N755A 020-0050-0 D13 1N751, ZENER,5.1V,10%,400MW,DO-35 NATIONAL 1N751 020-0150-0 D1 D4 1N965B, ZENER, 15V, 5%, 500mW, DO-35 TAITRON 1N965B 020-1000-0 D2,3,5,6,8-10,14-16 1N4148, RECT-FAST, 200MA, 100V MOTOROLA 1N4148 020-1022-0 D7 D11 BAV20, RECT, 200V, DO-35 NATIONAL BAV20 020-1104-0 D17 SHOTTKY, 1A, 40V, 10NS, DO-41 MOTOROLA 1N5819 020-2106-0 D18-19 1N4004,RECT,1A,400V,DO-41 TAITRON 1N4004 023-0112-0 BR1 BRIDGE, 25A, 200V, VERT, PC, MO25S-02 CHENG-YI MP25-02S 031-1107-0 C1 C4 C12 CAP,ELEC,RAD,107,20%,25V UNITED CHEMI-CON SMG25VB101M6X11LL 031-1336-0 C13 C19 CAP,ELEC,RAD,336,20%,25V UNITED CHEMI-CON SRG25VB33RM5X7LL 031-2105-0 C16 CAP,ELEC,RAD, 105, 20%, 50V UNITED CHEMI-CON C440C105M5U5CA 031-2106-0 C2-3 C5 C11 CAP,ELEC,RAD, 106, 20%, 50V UNITED CHEMI-CON SMG50VB10RM5X11LL 031-3109-0 C20 C23 CAP, ELEC, RADIAL, 10000UF, 20%, 63V UNITED CHEMI-CON SMH63VN103M30X50T2 031-3476-0 C21-22 CAP,ELEC,RAD,476,20%,63V UNITED CHEMI-CON SMG63VB47RM6X11LL 032-4102-0 C24

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