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Now downloading free:STRONG jiuzhou dtt1609 service manual

STRONG jiuzhou dtt1609 service manual free download

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service manual DTT1609 CONTENTS 1 MAIN BOARD TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE 1.1 SHORT TEST 1.2 POWER 1.3 MAIN CLOCK 1.4 CVBS 1.5 RGB 1.6 AUDIO # ADDITIONAL TROUBLESOOTHING 2 SCHEMATIC.COMPONENT LAYOUT AND BOM OF POWER SUPPLY 2.1 SCHEMATIC OF POWER SUPPLY 2.2 COMPONENT LAYOUT OF POWER SUPPLY 3 SCHEMATIC.COMPONENT LAYOUT AND BOM OF MAIN BOARD 3.1 SCHEMATIC OF MAIN BOARD 3.2 COMPONENT LAYOUT OF MAIN BOARD 3.3 BOM OF MAIN BOARD Main Board 8 6 7 4 2 3 5 1 9 10 Main Board Trouble Shooting Guide (DTT1609) Here are the procedures you can refer to whenever terrestrial receivers do not operate properly. You can check problems and repair the units on the basic level according to the following procedures 1. SHORT TEST Before turning on AC power, check POSITIVE VOLTAGE and also check whether SHORT between GROUND's and PIN SHORT for TUNER are detected or not. 1 2. Checking POWER. +12V(SCART),+5V(ANTENNA_POWER,IR,VIDEO BUFFER,HDMI,USB), +3.3V(TUNER, FLASH, CPU),+2.5V(DEMOD),+1.5V(DDR3,CPU),+1.3V(CPU DEMOD) 1 +5V +12V 6 +5V For HDMI +3V3 For Tuner 2 +3V3 10 +3V3 For Cpu 2 +1V3 For +1V5 Cpu For Cpu 3 +1V5 For DDR3 +2V5 For 10 DEMOD 5 +1V3 For DEMOD 8 +5V For USB +5V For Video Buffer +5V For Audio 3. Check MAIN CLOCK 24MHz and SYSTEM CLOCK (PLL) to operate normally after SYSTEM operates. For the first thing, check 24MHz from Y401 flows into [OSCI(PIN B18)] of MAIN CPU If the 24MHz is unstable, Check Y401 is damaged or not. If you are firm belief of damage for the device, then replace the device. And then, check that 800MHz is being supplied to DDR3 with RESET If the clock 800MHz on Pin-J7&K7 of U401 is not generated from inside of the chip,Please check the soldering state of U401,U402 and U403 (MAIN CLOCK) 24MHz (DDR3 CLOCK) 800MHz MAIN CLOCK DDR3 CLOCK 800Mhz 4. In case that MAIN CPU operates normally but there is no VIDEO display. In case of no OSD display. If OSD i

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