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Now downloading free:apple Signal 01 Jun83

apple Signal 01 Jun83 free download

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Model:Signal 01 Jun83 🔎
Original:Signal 01 Jun83 🔎
Descr: apple lisa signal Signal_01_Jun83.pdf
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A Semaphore Corporation publication for Lisa" users and developers. Welcome to Lisa end-users, (2) dealers, such as retail computer stores, and (3) Signal! original equipment manufacturers (OEMS) wno incorporate Lisa You are reading the first issue of products and technology in their SIgnal, a pubUcatlon desIgned for own prodUcts for resale to users. Lisa users and developers. ''Lisa'', of course, Is tne new computer As Lisa grows in popUlarity and system officially shipped for the stature, certain needs will also first time this month by Apple oecome apparent for LIsa users Computer. Lisa "users" are the and developers: the need for end-users who have purchased information about systems and Lisas (typically from a dealer or applications software and perhapS through Applels National hardWare the need for exposure l Accounts Program) in order to to other users and vendors, the automate their offices and to need for a fonm for the solve day-to-day bUsiness eXChange of ideas, the need for problems. Lisa lldevelopers" are a timely data on new produCts and group conSisting of: (1) vendors developments. Signal is here to developIng hardWare and/or help fulflll thOse needs. We software products for sale to hope you will join us. EJ Signal #1

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